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BYOZ: Bring Your Own Zine

  • Communication 2645 Milwaukee Street Madison, WI, 53704 United States (map)

Bring Yer Own Zine is Communication’s monthly gathering for those who like to draw, read and assemble zines and comics. We meet every second Monday.

Come and do any of those things next to other interested and engaged members of your community!

Some materials will be available, including paper, pens, colored pencils and a big stapler.

All ages welcome and no “prior artistic experience” needed. Just come and draw some fun pictures, or read from our zine library.

If you have some zines or comics of your own, bring them in! People are sure to be interested in reading them. You can also donate zines to Communication’s zine library!

Communication house rules apply: Masks required, no racism or transphobia, pro Palestine.

February 8

All Ages, All Masked Open Mic

February 13

BYOC: Bring Your Own Canvas Painting Social